Garden Dip

February 3, 2010 § Leave a comment

Garden Dip

I found this recipe on the back of a snack cracker box way back in the 80’s. I never did print it out, it’s still on a little 2×3 cut out that i lose on a regular basis.

6 ounces cream cheese at room temperature
1/4 cup mayonnaise, or salad type dressing like miracle whip
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup finely shredded carrot
1/4 cup finely chopped celery
1/4 cup finely chopped tomato
You can use other vegetables to suit your taste. I sometimes throw in green or red bell peppers when I have them, and omit the tomato.

Garden Dip

In a medium bowl, or a food processor, combine cream cheese, mayonnaise, and garlic.
Add the carrot, celery, and tomato; mix well.

Note: vegies can be quite watery after chomping them up real small. I like to squish everything in a paper towel to  draw away some of that moisture before adding them to the cream cheese mixture.

Garden Dip

Put into a serving dish, and top with cut green onions. Chill for a couple hours for flavors to blend, and serve!

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