29 Days Till Halloween!

October 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

I’ve been working like a madwoman since August, trying to get a few things ready for Halloween. Building everything from scratch, has it’s disadvantages, but saving money is always a bonus. Plus, I’m going to have the most awesome house on the block. I do hope the 3 trick-or-treaters I usually get appreciate all my effort. Haaaaaaaa!

This was my first attempt at “corpsing.” He, (she?) rather looks like he’s preening, but hey, maybe he was a Diva in his alive days.


And this little fella,  I’m still working on. The pumpkin head that will perch atop his rotting body, is almost finished, so I can get  a pic of that later on this week. Pretty cool so far, eh?


Mr. Grim Reaper from last year, seemed to develop a rather nasty case of mold-itis on his robes sitting out in the shed, so I had to do something to pretty him up. I constructed  some decaying ribs, and threw on an old costume I found in my moms shed, and voila! He looks disgusting. Eeee!


I wanted to do something really cool for my front door, but I still can’t think of anything that will scare the pants off anyone, so for now, I’ve put this together. It’s one of those cheapie little mirrors, that when you look at it from the side,  turns into a skull picture. Not bad on it’s own, but it needed bling. I added, black roses, spiders, skulls, some old twigs from a giant weed growing in my yard, and will drape it in creepy cheesecloth after I figure out how to attach it to the door.  20141002_13301720141002_13304920141002_133229

I’m still working on about 10 paper mache skulls, and a paper mache witch head, (which I still need to build a body for.) to accompany my giant cauldron.  So much to do! I have to do all my decorating outside this year, instead of the creepatorium I usually drape the inside in, since I have two new 5 month old additions to my family, who get into everything. And I do mean everything.

Meet Jax and Raven!


The only way I can tell them apart, is by the way they meow. I seriously need to get some kitten collars.

Malachi is absolutely thrilled to have new playmates! They run, slide, swish, knock things over and bat at each other almost every waking minute. What’s more grand than 3 black cats for Halloween???


Have you come up with any cool and exciting Halloween decorations? I’d love to see them!


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