Punkin Head is Done!

October 23, 2014 § Leave a comment

I am a little late posting this, but it took forever to get the hubster motivated. He had a plan. I had to wait until he was good and ready to reveal this plan.  Seriously, if i’d known he was going to screw it into the side of the house (omg, i’m still cringing.) I would of done it myself.

Punkin Head had his revenge. Oh yes he did. His head fell off while the husband was screwing it onto the house, and he nearly broke his nose.  (it probably weighs a good 5 pounds.) A little blood was shed, a few curse words were uttered. Sacrifice’s had to be made to the Punkin Gods. Now I don’t have to find a chicken. Just kidding!

Anyways! Here is my masterpiece.


This was done with pvc pipe, wire, melted trash bag “corsping”, paint, and alot of patience. Your first is always the hardest, eh? The head is paper mache, and I have to admit, it’s my finest work so far. I just love him!

I have grand plans of making some more of these, and selling them. Do you think anyone would be excited to find this under the Christmas tree? I would!

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